pati kouch poud
koutim televizyon miray rijid bracketLaser koupe metal ak fòme sèvis
metal patiraj batri otomobil
Sèvis koupe lazè
Sèvis soude lazè
Tòl koube sèvis
Tòl fabwikasyon
304 pati fabrikasyon asye pur
akseswar tòl pwosesis
pwosesis alyaj tòl
pati alyaj aliminyòm fèy metal
bwat aliminyòm tòl fabwikasyon pati
bwat aliminyòm soude tòl
aliminyòm personnalisation tòl fabwikasyon sèvis
pwosesis manifakti fèy aliminyòm
aliminyòm tòl koube
aliminyòm fèy metal soude
metal koube soude
pati metal soude
koupe lazè pou metal
fabrike koupe tòl
elatriye.Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email:
Customized ak plis espesyalize tòl machin batri boîtiers
metal patiraj batri otomobil
Tòl fabwikasyon
304 pati fabrikasyon asye pur
akseswar tòl pwosesis
pwosesis alyaj tòl
pati alyaj aliminyòm fèy metal
bwat aliminyòm tòl fabwikasyon pati
bwat aliminyòm soude tòl
aliminyòm personnalisation tòl fabwikasyon sèvis
pwosesis manifakti fèy aliminyòm
aliminyòm tòl koube
aliminyòm fèy metal soude
metal koube soude
pati metal soude
koupe lazè pou metal
fabrike koupe tòl
elatriye.Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email:
OEM tòl lazè koupe koube soudi pati poli manifakti tòl
Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email:
Tòl polisaj, bwose, fanm k'ap pile tretman sifas, elatriye.
304 pati fabrikasyon asye pur
akseswar tòl pwosesis
pwosesis alyaj tòl
pati alyaj aliminyòm fèy metal
bwat aliminyòm tòl fabwikasyon pati
bwat aliminyòm soude tòl
aliminyòm personnalisation tòl fabwikasyon sèvis
pwosesis manifakti fèy aliminyòm
aliminyòm tòl koube
aliminyòm fèy metal soude
metal koube soude
pati metal soude
koupe lazè pou metal
fabrike koupe tòl
elatriye. -
Personnalisé tòl patiraj poud plak blanch sèvis
Pwosesis flite poud, konnen tou kòm kouch poud, se yon nouvo pwosesis kouch devlope rapidman nan dènye deseni yo.Materyèl bwit yo itilize se poud plastik.Kouch ka jwenn pi epè kouch, tankou kouch 100 ~ 300μm kouch, ak jeneral jeneral kouch sòlvan, apeprè 4 ~ 6 fwa, ak ak kouch poud se yon fwa ka reyalize epesè a.Kouch la gen bon rezistans korozyon.Kouch poud lan pa gen sòlvan, epi li pa gen okenn polisyon nan twa fatra.Sèvi ak poud elektwostatik flite ak lòt nouvo pwosesis, efikasite segondè, apwopriye pou kouch liy otomatik;Segondè pousantaj itilizasyon poud, resikle.